Service Highlights
Easy on-site sampling method (non-expert friendly)
Accurate analysis in our Swiss lab
Suitable for every lake, river, water body
Suitable for infrastructure such as pipe systems or boats
Confirm the presence of Quagga mussel
Estimate the level of Quagga mussel infestation by quantification of DNA in sample
Service Includes
Sample collection kit for water for self-sampling
Plan and instructions for sampling
DNA extraction and qPCR assay in our lab
Diagnostic report including presence/absence and quantifiable DNA signal
What is Quagga?
The Quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis / bugensis) is a quick growing, invasive species of mussel known for its devastating impact on North American and European aquatic habitats. Originating from the Black Sea, it is being spread by human activity (like freight ships) and efficiently colonizes new freshwater ecosystems.
The mussels reproduce rapidly, causing shifts in biodiversity and disrupting food chains. They have razor-sharp shells that can cut the feet of swimmers, they clog drinking water pipes, threaten water quality, and overgrow submerged infrastructure. These and other consequences of their unhindered growth and spread affect lake and river ecosystems, the public sector, and economies of invaded areas.

What can be done?
Firstly, monitoring of water bodies is crucial to detect the potential presence of the Quagga mussel in its early stages. This shall allow enough time to establish mitigation strategies. Infested water bodies may require constant monitoring.
Management and control measures include:
Prevention of spreading
Eradication for small confirmed populations
Containment for growing populations
Regular removal from infrastructure like pipes and surfaces
Visual observation requires costly diving operations and may not be a feasible option for long-term monitoring.
What can SimplexDNA offer?
Easy and robust DNA-based detection, quantification and monitoring solution in lakes and rivers. Our QuaggaMonitor can pick up even small traces of genetic material left by the mussels in the water, which is called environmental DNA or eDNA. Detection and monitoring with this method is accurate, scalable and low-cost compared to alternatives like visual observation by professional divers.
Our QuaggaMonitor includes the following features:
Sample collection kit for water for self-sampling
Plan and instructions for sampling
DNA extraction and qPCR assay in our lab
Diagnostic report including presence/absence and quantifiable DNA signal
Contact us for a quote. We will be happy to advise on sampling in your individual setting.

Map: The Quagga mussel has been reported in many of the lakes and rivers around the alps and across Europe. Here are some reported examples.
Read more here:
Eawag’s article about the Quagga mussel spread and consequences in Switzerland
A communication from the Swiss government in the matter
Anchor & Hope blog. The Spread Of Quagga Mussels: An Ecological And Economic Menace
Swissinfo.ch. Invasive quagga mussel could profoundly change Swiss lakes.
Questions & Answers
Who are our customers?
Currently, SimplexDNA is providing its detection service to the Swiss Cantons of Zurich (AWEL) and Aargau.
What is the level of detection of our assay?
Answer: 3.1 gene copies/µL
Which technique do we use?
Answer: Quantitative PCR with TaqMan assay
We count veliger larvae - do we need your service?
Answer: You might want to explore our service as an alternative that saves costs and work hours.