Next up is our Co-Founder, People Connector and Business Developer:
Alex von Minckwitz

As a (life) scientist, Alex believes that we hold the key to saving the future of our planet already in our hands. Having grown up in the 90s with Gene Roddenberry’s hopeful notion that knowledge, teamplay and determination can overcome the odds, Alex is now fighting for the global transition to a sustainable bioeconomy.
Having worked in the biotech industry on metabolic engineering, synthetic biology and sequencing, in a sense, his career has always been “powered by DNA”. Alex believes in life-long learning and thus constantly challenged himself in technical, sales and leadership roles for companies like GATC and Twist Bioscience. He considers himself a big picture thinker and a people connector.
As an entrepreneur, Alex believes in approaching people and challenges with empathy and respect. By co-founding SimplexDNA, he takes joy in growing a company that is making a difference and will have a lasting positive impact on the planet.